No matter the outcome of this election, what is clear is that Americans showed up to vote in record numbers. This is even truer in Texas, which traditionally ranks almost last among the states for voter turnout rates. Before the polls opened this morning, Texas had already surpassed the total number of voters in the 2016 presidential election.
Voter suppression and restricting abortion access go hand in hand – both efforts are about controlling people’s lives, taking away their power, and pushing through unpopular legislation. And once again Texans have shown they are tired of it. They showed up at the Capitol in 2013 for the People’s Filibuster and this year they showed up at the polls in record numbers. When Texans have had enough, they show up despite all the attempts to silence their voices.
As an abortion provider committed to delivering care in the places where its most difficult, we know something about facing down tough odds, about being resilient, and about finally having enough of political interference. We don’t just deliver high-quality abortion care in Texas, Virginia and Indiana, we show up in court to fight back against medically unnecessary restrictions and attempts to shame abortion out of existence. Donate today to help us continue our work. We won’t let anti-choice state officials win.
If you haven’t already, vote and make sure your voice is heard!
P.S. If you encounter any problem at the polls, call the ACLU’s Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE

Courtney Chambers
Texas Advocacy Director